Each of our group health plans is designed to be comprehensive. They cover everyday needs, like checkups and prescriptions, as well as serious medical emergencies. Most importantly, they’re truly global, protecting your employees wherever they go, and whatever they do.


Team InCare

An all encompassing inpatient health care plan


Team Comprehensive

Our most flexible plan

Add maternity and/or dental, vision and wellness for even greater cover.


Team Premier

The very best in health cover wherever you are

Or call us: UK +44 333 405 3003 or freephone +0808 101 3483
Alternatively, have a licensed Integra Global agent CALL YOU at your desired date and time.

These benefits come as standard with every group health plan.

Hospital and inpatient services

Full cover for hospitalisation, surgery, inpatient services, emergency room and outpatient surgery – including organ transplant through our Managed Transplant Programme.

Outpatient services

No set limits on access to outpatient services, including GP visits and specialists.


Complete cover for prescription drugs, with no set annual or lifetime limits.

Chronic conditions

Chronic conditions are treated like any other illness – there are no set limits on long-term access to care.

Diagnostic and therapeutic services

A full range of imaging and lab services, as well as extensive therapeutic services.

Physical therapy

Generous physical and occupational therapy benefits.

Medical evacuation and emergency assistance

Comprehensive protection and assistance, 24 hours a day.

Convenient access to care

Everyone on our group health plans benefits from a private, secure E-Health Records Account. They can choose which records are public for emergency situations, and they can share their records with trusted health professionals instantly.

Complementing this, our Member ID card provides essential contact and coverage information. All a health provider needs to do, wherever they are
in the world, is call the number on the back of the card.

The Expat Assistance Programme (EAP)

The EAP is a comprehensive well-being programme, offering free, confidential support to expats and their families, 24 hours a day.  Members can talk to someone about any issues they’re experiencing, including anxiety, culture shock and work-related stress. The goal is to deal with issues proactively, instead of waiting for problems to emerge.

Inpatient/day patient
Evacuation / repatriation
Best possible outcome programme
Blood care programme
Advanced health screening
Maternity Option
Wellness Option
Dental Option
Vision care Option
Private room upgrade Option
Complementary medicine Option
AD&D benefit Option £100,000